A new era of workforce safety

Learn how the combination of drug screening and testing is important for workplace safety
Navigating cannabis laws in the EU as a global employer

With varying cannabis laws across the EU, global employers must navigate complex regulations to ensure compliance, protect employee rights, and maintain workplace safety.
Navigating cannabis use in the workplace

An exploration of the challenges of cannabis legalization with strategies for ensuring safety and productivity in the workplace
Protecting workers through substance screening

Learn how modern technologies are empowering supervisors with advanced substance impairment screening that protect workers.
Intoxication vs. Impairment

As cannabis legalization grows, distinguishing impairment from intoxication is crucial for fair laws and workplace safety, as current tests don’t accurately measure impairment.
How cannabis affects the brain (part 3)

Learn how cannabis impacts the human brain and discover how this may impact everything from decision making to emotions.
How alcohol affects the brain (part 2)

This blog explores the significant impact of alcohol on the brain and its functions.
A glimpse into the brain (part 1)

Learn how the brain works and what happens when you do something as simple as picking up a tool.